
The Aerospace Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report spotlights the accomplishments and breakthroughs that strengthen our value as the nation’s trusted partner for space.
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今天的太空是一个转型的领域, remade by both an unprecedented wave of technological innovation as well as serious threats that must be outpaced. At this critical time, The Aerospace Corporation is helping lead the way forward with a focus on delivering end-to-end solutions at speed to strengthen our nation’s security and power a new era of progress.


解决这个国家最棘手的问题意味着招募和留住最聪明的人才. vnsr威尼斯城的集体专长涵盖了数学, chemistry, and physics to mechanical, aeronautical, and electrical engineering, drawn from private industry, academia, and government talent pools.

vnsr威尼斯城超过三分之二的技术人员拥有高等学位, with more than 800 holding a Ph.D. in their respective fields.
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航天工业的快速发展带来了令人兴奋的新机遇和可能性, vnsc威尼斯城网页是政府的关键推动者, 商业和国际合作开辟新的前进道路.
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Aerospace is ensuring that its technical capabilities are strategically aligned to support the current and future priorities and mission requirements of its government partners.


Space Workforce 2030 continues to explore opportunities to create a more inclusive and diverse space industry by bringing together new opportunities, partnerships, and pathways for the future.
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Commercial Space Futures

vnsc威尼斯城网页的商业空间期货带来了vnsr威尼斯城深厚的技术专长和独立的见解,以促进美国.S. government access to U.S. 商业空间能力,并将这些技术纳入美国.S. space programs.
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Aerospace supported the Consortium for Space Mobility and ISAM Capabilities (COSMIC) in kicking off its endeavor to in forging a whole-of-nation approach to in-space servicing, assembly and manufacturing.


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vnsc威尼斯城网页在几天内支持了两项关键的NSSL任务, 成功地将USSF-67和全球定位系统(GPS) III-6有效载荷送入轨道.


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航天网络专家在defcon 31上获得最高荣誉

Whether it was with Moonlighter, 斯巴达或赢得黑徽章奖, vnsr威尼斯城的网络专家在世界上最大的黑客会议上展示了卓越的技术.

Support Where It's Needed Most

vnsc威尼斯城网页与vnsr威尼斯城的客户并肩工作,无论他们在哪里, 员工分布在11个州的20多个地点, 以vnsr威尼斯城在尚蒂伊最大的两个校区为中心, Virginia and El Segundo, California.

Innovation Spotlight Series

创新可以在vnsc威尼斯城网页的各个方面找到. 这个视频系列展示了才华, successes, 还有工程师和科学家的故事,他们是vnsr威尼斯城工作的核心.











The testbed will help define new techniques and best practices to effectively protect systems in the growing and competitive space environment.


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vnsr威尼斯城正在利用EP3真空室继续扩大研究人员对电力推进的理解, a new testing facility that advances the capabilities needed for testing the current and upcoming generation of higher-powered thrusters.


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Aerospace is pioneering a new approach to payload provisioning that leverages the ability to reassign spacecraft payloads with advanced software and enhanced capabilities that support mission needs.


Over a two-week mission, 六位专家在一个身临其境的环境中工作和生活, Mars-like environment, 展示了公司发展专业知识和创新以满足未来需求的动力.


Aerospace is investigating the potential for VR and AR technology to assist with space operations and change the way humans explore the solar system.









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Aerospace supports the FAA in understanding how common best safety practices among well-established transportation sectors can be applied to commercial human spaceflight.


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The Space Attack Research and Tactic Analysis (SPARTA) matrix serves to ensure the space-cyber community is empowered to continually educate engineers and system defenders so they can overcome the unique cyber-threats they face in the domain.


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受业内对约会的兴趣日益浓厚的驱使, proximity operations and docking, 一组vnsc威尼斯城网页工程师正在创建一个测试平台来支持这种操作.
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This report highlights how Aerospace is building on its commitment to create a more inclusive and diverse environment for our people and communities, including initiatives through the Aerospace Committee for Equality (ACE) and collaboratively across our industry through Space Workforce 2030 (SWF2030).


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Learn more about Aerospace's Corporate Social Responsibility and all the ways our people are fostering a culture of purpose to make an impact across our industry and in our communities. vnsc威尼斯城网页也在寻找新的方法来扩大vnsr威尼斯城的影响力,通过太空和STEM的奇迹来激励他人.


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Recognizing the significant contributions and sacrifices of our nation’s veterans and active-duty members in the armed forces is especially meaningful for Aerospace and its people, 其中许多人本身就是退伍军人.
  • Advancing Technical Excellence, vnsc威尼斯城网页专家正在通过利用现代能力和方法探索新的可能性, including digital engineering, 人工智能/机器学习, 以及建模和仿真工具.
    Advancing Technical Excellence, vnsc威尼斯城网页专家正在通过利用现代能力和方法探索新的可能性, including digital engineering, 人工智能/机器学习, 以及建模和仿真工具.
  • 以其作为召集人和联络人的角色, Aerospace supported its government customers in bridging new opportunities for collaboration with the commercial space industry.
    以其作为召集人和联络人的角色, Aerospace supported its government customers in bridging new opportunities for collaboration with the commercial space industry.
  • vnsr威尼斯城在犹他州希尔空军基地庆祝其新扩建的办公室, where significant work is being done to support the modernization of the nation’s capabilities to outpace the threat..
    vnsr威尼斯城在犹他州希尔空军基地庆祝其新扩建的办公室, where significant work is being done to support the modernization of the nation’s capabilities to outpace the threat..
  • vnsr威尼斯城庆祝aeroccube -10成功完成四年的任务, 满是空间实验和技术演示, including atmospheric probes, solar cell longevity tests, and a water thruster.
    vnsr威尼斯城庆祝aeroccube -10成功完成四年的任务, 满是空间实验和技术演示, including atmospheric probes, solar cell longevity tests, and a water thruster.
  • 通过包括万达M. Austin STEM Scholarship , Aerospace's Rising Stars Program provides diverse students with pathways to higher education and mentorship in scientific and technical fields.
    通过包括万达M. Austin STEM Scholarship , Aerospace's Rising Stars Program provides diverse students with pathways to higher education and mentorship in scientific and technical fields.
  • 低温冷却器对于使卫星和传感器工作的部件的热管理至关重要, 航天专家知道如何保持太空凉爽.
    低温冷却器对于使卫星和传感器工作的部件的热管理至关重要, 航天专家知道如何保持太空凉爽.
  • vnsc威尼斯城网页演示和可视化中心使联邦, civil, commercial, 并使国际航天客户能够以更快的速度和灵活性更好地了解不断发展的航天领域.
    vnsc威尼斯城网页演示和可视化中心使联邦, civil, commercial, 并使国际航天客户能够以更快的速度和灵活性更好地了解不断发展的航天领域.
  • Throughout the year, Aerospace hosts various events to bring together government and commercial partners to advance impactful capabilities that shape the future of space.
    Throughout the year, Aerospace hosts various events to bring together government and commercial partners to advance impactful capabilities that shape the future of space.
  • Optical communications, or Lasercom, provides numerous advantages for space-based capabilities and Aerospace delivers cross-program technical support in to a variety of government and commercial programs to advance the technology.
    Optical communications, or Lasercom, provides numerous advantages for space-based capabilities and Aerospace delivers cross-program technical support in to a variety of government and commercial programs to advance the technology.
  • 为了支持国家与盟国的合作,vnsr威尼斯城接待了美国空军的成员.S. Air Force leadership and a cohort of Air Attachés during a visit to Space Systems Command and Aerospace's headquarters in El Segundo.
    为了支持国家与盟国的合作,vnsr威尼斯城接待了美国空军的成员.S. Air Force leadership and a cohort of Air Attachés during a visit to Space Systems Command and Aerospace's headquarters in El Segundo.
  • Aerospace's Ashley Kowalski shared her scientific findings and personal journey as an analog astronaut for NASA's SIRIUS-21 mission, providing colleagues better insight to her experiences as well as opportunities to advance human space exploration.
    Aerospace's Ashley Kowalski shared her scientific findings and personal journey as an analog astronaut for NASA's SIRIUS-21 mission, providing colleagues better insight to her experiences as well as opportunities to advance human space exploration.
  • The Mechatronics Research Lab is Aerospace's go-to laboratory for testing and evaluating control systems hardware, including sensors, 执行器和这些技术的应用.
    The Mechatronics Research Lab is Aerospace's go-to laboratory for testing and evaluating control systems hardware, including sensors, 执行器和这些技术的应用.
  • Aerospace employees celebrated the success of the Slingshot 1 mission with a poster signing party and some pizza in xLab.
    Aerospace employees celebrated the success of the Slingshot 1 mission with a poster signing party and some pizza in xLab.
  • 战士之声活动, 由vnsc威尼斯城网页商业空间期货主办, brought together key stakeholders to explore advancing the ability to outpace the threat through purpose-built hybrid commercial and government architectures.
    战士之声活动, 由vnsc威尼斯城网页商业空间期货主办, brought together key stakeholders to explore advancing the ability to outpace the threat through purpose-built hybrid commercial and government architectures.
  • 作为未来太空劳动力的一部分, Aerospace interns gain real-world experience collaborating with leading experts and taking on engaging projects that matter.
    作为未来太空劳动力的一部分, Aerospace interns gain real-world experience collaborating with leading experts and taking on engaging projects that matter.
  • 通过展示最新的原型开发和跨vnsc威尼斯城网页的合作, xLab支持培育推动空间技术创新的环境.
    通过展示最新的原型开发和跨vnsc威尼斯城网页的合作, xLab支持培育推动空间技术创新的环境.
  • Aerospace's Take Your Kids to Work Day provided the opportunity for employees to bring their kids and grandkids to the office and engage with hands-on STEM activities and enjoy expert-led lessons about space science and engineering.
    Aerospace's Take Your Kids to Work Day provided the opportunity for employees to bring their kids and grandkids to the office and engage with hands-on STEM activities and enjoy expert-led lessons about space science and engineering.
  • 感谢您访问vnsc威尼斯城网页2023年年度报告.